More about the webmaster

If you REALLY want to know more of me, just keep reading, otherwise I recommend you to select different section :)

Me in a bundle:

Online you can find me from...

How am I trying to better the breed?

I was born in Espoo, but I moved to Varkaus on December 2009 and lived there until October 2016, so almost 7 years. I started my breeding program in Varkaus and 5 of my litters were born in there.

I had to move back to Uusimaa-region since the loneliness started to tear up the rest of my remaining mental health... From Uusimaa-region I managed to get affordable (NEW!) rental apartment from Mäntsälä where I now live, really close to train station. :)

My Sixth litter was my first litter born in here!

As I moved to Varkaus from the capital area, I left behind everything; my family, friends, acquaintances, bad and good memories. I tried to build a better life in Varkaus, but after my health declined I had to move closer to my family. Savo left a mark in my heart and I seriously wish to return there after I'm healthier...

My first name is Pia, and many call me by my first name, but the rest of them I've got to know over the internet where I've been called Darkie for many many many years! Darkie became a nickname and is short of my "artist name" in primary school. You may call me by Pia or Darkie, whichever you feel more confortable with. :)

Beside animals, I've always been into cars; I was learning to become a bus driver, and also tried the car repair line but both of these attempts were terminated by difficulties in school and in my health.

I studied to become a Zoo-keeper and graduated on May 2015! I wish to carry on with my studies, but that requires better health both in mental and physical...

I've been with cats all my life and couldn't even imagine livin without a furry friend! I've been studying about cats ever since I learned to read, and at times I might be aggressive while expressing myself.

I'm handling my poor health and condition with rather dark humor, but it keeps me going... :) So I'm trying to fix the bad in me with humor, honesty and open mind!
