Darkie's Fifth
Ryoko's first litter will be with Kin's son Elvis. :)
She was mated on March 26th and 27th and she should be due on May 30th! Let's wish for all the best. ^^
Her litter was born on 63rd pregnancy day and she popped out eight (8!) lively and healthy kittens! Sexes seems to be 7 males, 1 female. :)
At the age of 1,5 days, "green" kitten passed away, probably due ill developed lungs...
FI*Darkie's... | Color and gender | Status |
(Ai - Love) | x / ♂ | Deceased |
Mirai "Mira" | bluetabby mitted / ♀ | Reserved |
Unmei "Milo" | sealtabby colourpoint / ♂ | Reserved |
Yume "Aatu" | seal mitted / ♂ | Stays at home |
Sewa "Muru" | blue colourpoint / ♂ | Reserved |
Binkan "Kuutti" | seal mitted / ♂ | Reserved |
Kitai "Aku" | sealtabby mitted / ♂ | Reserved |
Kyoumi "Kylo" | bluetabby mitted / ♂ | Reserved |
CH Ryoko edle von den Lichtalben x IC Emija's Elvis
Pedigree of the parents (inbreeding 2,44% in 10th generation)
Final weights;
- Mira; 1694 g (3.9.2016)
- Milo; 2144 g (3.9.2016)
- Aatu; 2385 g (4.9.2016)
- Muru; 2360 g (4.9.2016)
- Kuutti; 1951 g (3.9.2016)
- Aku; 2139 g (3.9.2016)
- Kylo; 2142 g (3.9.2016)
Now kittens have left for their new homes. :)
Good luck to your future homes and may your lifes together be long!
Lately I've been so busy with the kittens that I haven't had time to think about updating this page. :) They just love company and love to play, not to mention the amount of food they've eaten! Now, during the last week, in five days, they've eaten 10 kilos - and that's just the kittens. Just wow.
On Monday, August 29th I microchipped the whole gang and Milo, Aku, Kuutti and Muru lost their testicles. :) Kylo gets to hold on to his jewels, maybe he'll grow more manly than Loki. :)
They really didn't even notice the microchip, it was easier to inser the chip than to give sedative for those who went down. They recovered really quickly from the castration and it felt that removing testicles just gave speedboost. :D
Today we went to get our second vaccination, and took our last photos. They had some dripping from their noses and sneezed few times, but other than that the vaccination didn't have any effect on their general condition. :)
Tomorrow I'll let go of Kylo, Kuutti, Aku, Mira and Milo. Where did the time fly...
Yesterday they turned 12 weeks. This means that we only have 2 weeks to be together... Giving up will be tough, but at the same time it will easy my every day life immensively.
I finally got all of the results from the feces samples, and while I was waiting, I got overly anxious with fear... Fear of Giardia. I had already planned (and was starting my actions) how to clean and desinfect the whole appartment and everything in it, but there is no need!
To clarify; "Tutkimus" = Examination, "Tulos" = Result.
They have been eating well and are growing steadily. :) They have appetite to spread around, but harmfully somewhat sensitive tummies.
Mira, Aku and Aatu have been signed up for the catshow in Hartola in October 8th and 9th, this will be the first show for the kittens and hopefully they'll all get to have good show careers!
11 weeks already! Also, we went for our first vaccination. :)
Vaccinating itself was easy, but the trip to the vet seemed to be too exciting for the kittens. On the way there, someone peed into the carrier, at the waiting room Kylo got a bit sick and threw up, on the way back someone had a stress-tummy and made a poo. I suppose I need to make sure they all visit the litterbox before the second vaccination. :)
I haven't seen any diarrhea (any other than the stress-poo that was watery), and I got part of the stool sample results as I went to ask about them since I hadn't got any e-mails.
We're still waiting for the results from Giardia and food poisoning, but the results we got were pleasing;
- Cryptosporidium parvum; Neg
- Parasites sed/flo; Neg (no eggs or ocytes)
- Parvovirus; Neg
- Tritrichomonas foetus; Neg
Kittens are already 10 weeks old, oh how the time flies...
I think the diarrhea episode is finally behind us (I still look after the feces) and I moved the vaccination times by a week, so that they'd be ready to move to their new homes after September 3rd. This isn't at all as bad as the feared delay that would've lasted for weeks. I'm still waiting for the stool samples.
Yesterday Aatu was the first to cross 1,5 kg milestone and is the biggest of the litter! :) Diarrhea had serious impact on weight gain, but the AB worked really well and quickly. Kuutti, Muru, Kylo and Aku are all closing in on Aatu!
I decided to keep Aatu myself and he'll become a stud under my name when he's ready. ^^ So you'll be able to see Aatu in catshows, eiher going solo or with Pörrö, Kin or Ryoko. :)
I've been fighting against the kittens diarrhea. Muru and Aatu started to poo wet and and became gassy, and after consulting my vet I decided we to take stool samples to see if this is caused by a parasite or a virus. We got Tylosin for the kittens bowels, it is intestinal antibiotic.
Aku had diarrhea today and I started him on the antibiotics as well. Aatu and Muru are doing noticeably better, and I haven't seen Milo's poo in a while and saw Aku's today.
These heatwaves makes having a diarrhea really hard and risky, so I'm constantly checking that they eat and drink. I just wish that the stool samples are clear, it will be one hell of a battle to gain the balance back and of course the kittens would stay with me longer.
At late night I noticed that Kuutti got diarrhea (he had normal feces earlier), so I started him on antibiotics as well. Mira and Kylo are the only ones that doesn't (yet?) have AB going on. Kuutti had just dropped plenty of weight before his diarrhea started. The symptoms are very similar with Aku and Kuutti than it was on Aatu.
It's been a while since I last updated, but we've had so many guests that I just haven't had the energy. Also we've had some problems with kittens' bowels.
Firstly Aku got constipated, and this was because I served bony meat too often and it took a few days to clear. And just a few days after this, Milo managed to get diarrhea, the probable cause was food that wasn't suitable. I've consulted my vet and we'll continue treating at home - easy to digest -foods + Canikur paste. Milo is constantly playing, drinks well by himself and has even eaten by himself, so we try to heal him at home. Diarrhea is nasty, because there really isn't much to do with it.
Beides Mira and Milo, all kittens are over 1 kilos, few have crossed 1,1 kilos, but they are still quite thin. They are so active, that it feels like they just forget to eat.
Raw food is still the main food they are willing to eat - sometimes someone finds themselves eating dryfood, but they really preder bony meat and pork, heart and meat slices.
I reserved vaccination dates for the kittens today, first will be given on August 5th, the second on August 26th, castration + microchips on 29th, if all goes to plan. :)
I meant to update yesterday, but it just slipped my mind since Junnu and his siblings celebrated their 5th birthday and Kuutti was reserved. :)
So yeah, Kuutti got reserved and he will move to a family in Muurame with 2 children. He'll have a raggy-female as a companion. Kuutti just played with the family for the whole period they were here.
I also got the registration numbers for the litter, and is now visible in "Omakissa"! One of the Kissaliitto's staff-members had just started her vacation after I finished my part of the registration. The books will arrive on next week. :)
You can find the litter info and names from here behind "Jälkeläiset" (=Offspring).
Most of the kittens are over 600 grams, Mira is dragging behind, I just wish she'd stay still long enough to enjoy eating. She's so active, but her mommy was still small at the age of 4 months.
They are growing so fast, and now Aatu is also reservable. I wish for him to continue his lines, like Mira is, but I don't have a female that I could use for him... So he's searching for a home where he could be a breeder male/show neuter.
I think Muru's having an eye infection, so on Monday we're calling to our vet.
I had to stop deworming the kittens after second day. Axilur was too tough on their bellies and they didn't know how the toilet works, so we'll try again after they've grown a bit stronger. :)
After they had the runny poo, they had constipation, so I've been watching and keeping an eye on them while they are on the litterbox. At this point they are all peeing and pooing well, they eat tons and are constantly hungry!
Kittens turned 4 weeks today! To celebrate this I started their first dewormin. (3d/Axilur)
Also, Mira is now reserved. :) She will be a queen to his father's breeder. :) Let's hope Mira will continue to grow beautifully - at this point she's very promising.
The litter box seems to be a mystery. They feel more like tasting the sand than anything else, so we have poo everywhere. One step at a time, one step at a time.
They are eating meat in various forms, minced, bits and they've even tasted Mommy's wet food! They are very outgoing! ^^
I just paid for the registration! :) Now we just wait for Kissaliitto's approval!
Everyone has had a taste of solid food, they even clean the plate! They are such nice kittens... :) Today was the first day I cut their nails, since they can really hurt each other with them as they fight at the milkbar...
Since they just turned 3 weeks, I served them their first solid meal. :) Mira was first at the scene and seemed to stuff herself on one stand. On the first round 4 kittens tried solid food, and this gave the remaining 3 a better chance at Mommy's milk-bar. One step at a time.. :)
Phew. 5 of 7 kittens are now reserved. Or 4 for sure, but one (Mira or Aatu) will go to Elvis' breeder. The latest reservations were colourpoints. :)
They are soon going to move to a bigger habitat from their box, since they are moving alot... :) On the next Monday I will feed them their first set of meat, since there just isn't enough milk on Mommy. They are all feeding like crazy...
Kuutti (mitted with a blaze) is now reservable, but no idea yet if it's as a pet of a showcat.. :)
Eyes wide open, world is such a wonderful thing! They are learning to play and are tasting everything, including siblings...
Kitai -kitty was named "Aku" and during this week, it's very possible that both of the colourpoint kittens are going to be reserved. Aatu is a serious questionmark, because he is so handsome and proper sized male, I just want to get to use him in some way. I just don't have enough girls.
All the kittens now have name that I call them by... :)
Sigh, now they are being reserved... :) Kitten that was previously called Panu (2x red) is now reserved and he got new name, Kylo. Official name will be Darkie's Kyoumi. He will move to live with Ada (Darkie's Midori Bara) and Loki (Darkie's Silver Noon), he will level the scale difference between males and females there.
And the kitten that was eyed almost ever since he was born, 2x green, was reserved today and he'll probably have a show future! Since it's so early in their lifes, it is possible that he won't grow up to be a showboy, but he just took over the heart of his future mommy. His official name will be Darkie's Kitai, no nickname assigned. :)
Almost all the kittens have opened their eyes! Few are still peeking from the small opening in the corner of their eyes, but they are growing like weed. It seems that Koko has enough milk for all of them and I've been giving extra food very little. I'll start them on solid food after the catshow in Leppävirta. :)
The day before yesterday first kitten started to open his eyes and today we have 3 and a half eyes open! :) Few kittens have started to open their eyes and they move with such determination. Soon nothing holds them!
Yellow nad green got workname "Muru" and 2x red is now "Panu". The rest of them will probably get some sort of nicknames before I start using the ones that buyers have decided for the future kitten. This is just because people have not yet reserved kittens, but they have names for them. Though several buyer has resered the official name for the future kitten. :)
It seems that the discharge from Koko has stopped. On Monday I called to my vet and they told me to keep watching her and meazuring her temperature (Sunday 38,9'C, Monday 39,0'C and Tuesday 38,7'C - I'll keep on meazuring) and if she gets a fever, I should call again and then we would plan how to treat. I'm so happy that her temperature went down! She never had any visible symptoms of pain and she liked to spend time with her kittens. I think we got off with a scare! :)
The youngings are starting to show their colours and patterns, at this point it would seem that there are 2x a 04 21, 2x n 04, a 04 21 n and a. So blues and seals, mitteds and colourpoints and even few tabbies. :)
Kin started to help with the kittens once again. ^_^ And here is a photo of their faces, the colourcode is marked to my hand. :)
Yesterday we had a rough day... "Green" boy passed away late last night and there were signs of weakening vitals even at early morning. I tried my best with him, but he drew his last breath at 23:30. So we are only 7 now.
"Green" boy would've been named FI*Darkie' Ai (Love), if only he would've made it... "Red", the only girl, was named FI*Darkie's Mirai (Future).
I am feeding some of the kittens at regular intervals, some of them have worse luck at tits, this is how I make sure they all grow. At this point it's the girl and 2 boys. Ryoko has been carrying kittens at nights, so I'm going to call my vet tomorrow and ask for help. I've never had this many kittens, so I'm not quite certain what to expect after, how long does it take from the uterus to shrink back. :) We might get some pain meds and/or antibiotics.
Today we had happenings!! This morning, roughly at 11:11 am, I was torn from my slumber as I heard a tiny peep coming from a kitten. As I jumped upright, I noticed that Ryoko started her labour in a kittybed (which is heading togarbage bin now...) and I moved her to the kitten box.
In the bitty box she reeeally started the labour and three hours after I had woken up, we had 8 kittens in the box, EIGHT!! And 7 of them seems to be males. I have had multiple people queuing wanting male cats, so if you look it that way.
The only girl in the litter is under observation and really asked for. :)
What's happened so far
- 26.5. Ryoko has reached the recommended 40% gain in weight! +1980 and she is 6,88 kg! There are strong movements! I am getting pretty excited... :)
- 23.5. Luckily she continuet gaining weight after her heat. :) 6,8kg!
- 18.5. We've been battling against heat for couple of days, this has had an affect in her appetite as well as how much she's gaining. Gladly there is still time to gain weight. :) (53/66)
- 16.5. Yesterday the scale showed +1655 grams, or 6,56 kgs! I've felt movement on both of her sides and she just loves when I massage her belly. ^_^
- 11.5. +1435 grams. :) Sudden heatwave had an impact on her appetite, I'll hope she'll continue like normal when it cools down. I presented the kittybox to her! ^^
- 1.5. +1055 grams... O.o
- 27.4. She's gained 875 grams during these 33 days, so she weighs 5,78 kilos... :) Halfway there!
- 22.4. She's gaining weight steadily. :) Today in weighin 5,56 kg. She's hungry all the time.. :D
- 15.4. Her tits have grown and are very pink! Also she's gained so very promising amount of weight, she's now 5,36 kg's (+455g). :) With her my regular scale won't be enough, because before she's due, she should be close to 7 kilos. (+40%)
- 28.3. I got Ryoko home today. She weighs 4905 g, so as I expected, she lost some weight while with a stud. Now we just wait. :)
- Matings on March 27h at 10:17, 11:50, 16:54
- 26.3. There were 5 succesfull matings today! The stud has needed tons of praises, but Ryoko's yesterday's behavior (very dominating) didn't leave scars. :)
- Matings at 9:57, 14:28, 19:47, 22:02, 23:43.
- 25.3.-16, Ryoko weighs 5064 g - today she went to meet Elvis! Let's hope all the best!